Competent and Confident Learners and Communicators
Building positive and secure relationships with others (Engaging with others, building friendships, participating)
Communicating and expressing emotions effectively to be understood and heard (Trusting relationships, resilience, strategies to make sense of the world)
Confidence to be heard and to hear others (Standing up for themselves, speaking out for others, asking questions)
Healthy in Mind, Body and Spirit
Feeling happy and enjoying learning (Having fun, laughter, feeling joy)
Showing understanding and compassion towards others (Treating others well, recognising emotions, having regard for others)
Addressing physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing (Active, connected, healthy)
Secure in the Knowledge that they make a Valued Contribution to Society
To have strong core values and practices (Being respectful, sharing, manners, responsibility, empathy, patience)
To have a sense of service to others (Helping and showing kindness)
Know they are valued, are special and can make a difference in their world (Having a sense of purpose, adding value to others and themselves)
Secure in their Sense of Belonging
Feel safe and protected (A place where children thrive, explore confidently, try new things)
Being actively part of the community (Value engaging with others, appreciating concepts of family)
Value friendships and being connected (Getting involved, trust, understanding)